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Neurodegenerative disorders

Coffee & Health unveils its latest topic: Neurodegenerative Disorders

Coffee & Health unveils its latest topic: Neurodegenerative Disorders

March 9, 2012

The Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC) has extended the scientific information available on its Coffee & Health website, with Neurodegenerative Disorders the latest topic to be introduced. Based on the latest research, the new information provides a review of the scientific evidence on the relationship between coffee drinking and neurodegenerative disorders – cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and stroke.

Moderate, lifelong consumption of coffee appears to have a beneficial effect on our cognitive abilities as we age.

In particular, key highlights include:

  • Studies suggest that regular, lifelong, moderate consumption of coffee/caffeine slows down physiological, age-related cognitive decline, especially in women and those over 80 years old in particular
  • Although epidemiological research suggests that lifelong, moderate coffee consumption is linked to a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, further studies are warranted before any firm conclusions can be drawn
  • There is a substantial amount of epidemiological research showing that as coffee consumption rises, the risk of Parkinson’s disease falls, which suggests a potential beneficial effect of coffee
  • Recent studies suggest that moderate coffee consumption may also reduce the risk of stroke

Neurodegenerative Disorders, the latest scientific topic to be added to Coffee & Health, sits alongside cardiovascular health, fluid balance, gallstones, liver function, pregnancy, sports performance, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Coming soon to Coffee & Health is a vodcast in which Dr Astrid Nehlig, from the French National Medical Research Institute (INSERM), discusses the latest scientific research highlighted in this new topic.

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