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Cardiovascular health

New meta-analysis suggests that coffee consumption is inversely associated with CVD risk

New meta-analysis suggests that coffee consumption is inversely associated with CVD risk

November 11, 2013

A new meta-analysis published in Circulation suggests that regular consumption of coffee is associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Researchers analysed 36 studies investigating the relationship between coffee consumption and the risk of developing CVD1, which included coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure and CVD mortality.  Encompassing the stunning number of 1,279,804 participants and 36,352 CVD cases, researchers identified an inverse, i.e. favourable, relationship between coffee consumption and CVD risk, with those drinking 3-5 cups per day achieving the greatest protection. Furthermore, heavy coffee consumption (more than 5 cups per day) was not associated with elevated CVD risk.

This paper supports recent research findings from 2013, including a review paper2 highlighting that, for most healthy people, moderate coffee consumption is unlikely to adversely affect cardiovascular health and another study3 concluding that higher green tea and coffee consumption is inversely associated with risk of CVD and stroke in the general population.

For more information on coffee and cardiovascular health from the Institute of Scientific Information, please click here.


  1. Ding M. et al. (2013) Long-Term Coffee Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. Circulation, published online ahead of print.
  2. Rebello S.A. & van Dam R.M. (2013) Coffee Consumption and Cardiovascular Health: Getting to the Heart of the Matter. Current Cardiology Reports, 15:403.
  3. Kokubo Y. et al. (2013) The Impact of Green Tea and Coffee Consumption on the Reduced Risk of Stroke Incidence in Japanese Population: The Japan Public Health Center-Based Study Cohort. Stroke, published online ahead of print.

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